
Franz Renner

From the blessing of bilingualism
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
St. Nikolaus
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Now, with the Italians, all immigrants are from below. They come across one so contrary. And now, through the articles they see that the double-speakers have a much greater reward. Now they go to learn German. So the whole thing. Otherwise, before it was called, we must always speak Italian and you need never speak German. " And by Both languages they must. Do you see the benefits - and after many Italians speak German well. That you almost do not know. The're here in the government. State government and state representatives. And everywhere are among Italians, and some you know nothing. Some do already have a bit Italianize while talking. Interesting. But - inside look into it can not. And we - us, they then held it, as the war has been made - because we can distinguish two languages. Yes, we have thrown away so we also do not only write and not speak German properly. But the dialect and the language we have learned so much that we have understood Italian, yes. If you've been talking to. Then they said, "You can two languages?" Yes, I have to say, "Yes, why do not you learn German?" "Yes, that was off limits." "Well, you see it, we can help such?" Because Italians are down there, a family, eh. That's just not the school but who are so in a courtyard inside, where German families have lived together and the children - the children, eh, who are always together, who then played together and so on. Where you do not know that there are even Italians. And they say today, we may have to play with here and be together, and so we became colleagues. Today we are glad we can speak German. And it happens quite those fascists - there are fascists - that he was not German .. right, the fascist, they say today. Fascists, they're also have been the father. But there are three or four boys in a family - there are such things not? The mother and father know nothing and the children speak perfect German ..